櫻花(香港)制造有限公司是一家專業的生活用紙製造商和出口商, 本公司旗下品牌“柯洛克牌”系列生活用紙,包括有:高級歐洲進口各類無塵餐巾紙.大小卷裝廁紙.盒裝抽紙.迷你小手帕.廚房紙.擦手紙.醫用.機器抹紙.紙臺布等各類生活用紙.部份產品,更經國際權威驗證機構SGS的獨立驗證,完全符合歐洲FSC驗證和國家的衛生標準GB15979-2002的要求! 憑藉我們豐富的經驗和專業的技術,同時接受各大小商戶(如中西餐館、桑拿會所、各大小公司、團體、個人.宴會、廣告紙巾等等)的產品加工服務,訂單多少都無任歡迎! 相信憑藉我們的實力,定能為閣下生產出稱心如意的貨品,並保持長期的合作夥伴關係! | we produce full range of integrated paper products for commercial industry, these include: toilet papers rolls, facial tissues, handkerchiefs, hand towel papers, napkin and different kinds of paper products. The SGS has been assessed and certified as meeting the requirements of GB15979-2002.FSC Certificate. We believed our excellent experience skills and knowledge in the indeed and total quality management. We offer several of companies (for example, Chinese & western restaurants, sauna center, clubs, companies, organizations, group activities, annual balls, advisement napkins, etc.) the products and services. We all welcome for the order inquire . We have build our business our commitment to our clients what they need a level of products exceeding their exception and we build a long term partnership. |